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7 Powerful prayers to transform your mind

These prayers are from the Word of God.

Did you know, when we pray the Word, angels are literally sent to war on your behalf?

It's incredible! The armies of heaven are ACTIVATED by the Word of God.

That are of life you are contending for...PRAY the Word and welcome Heaven's help.

The words you speak matter!

Download this list of amazing scriptures that speak to who you REALLY are!

Say them out-loud, meditate on them, and let your FAITH begin to grow.

I promise, getting the WORD of God into your heart and mind makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE!

I actually LIVE this daily!

You can meet Jesus in your daily life!

One of the questions I am frequently asked is, "How do I have intimacy with Jesus?

What does that look like?"

This pdf will guide you through a series of ways to intentionally meet God, face-to-face, in your daily life.

This will inspire you to find your own style

Who does God say He is?

Have you ever wondered what God has to say about Himself?

Rather than trust what others say about Him, why not see what His word has to say about who He is and how that matters to us.

These scriptures will expand your mind and deepen your faith as you trust in Him.

You can ready my chapter for free!

The Scars to Stars book is an inspiring collection of people who have overcome tragedy and walked out of the pit of despair into a new life.

By clicking this image you can read only my story from that collection. Just pop your name and email into the form and check your email for the chapter download.

Anxiety must bow to the Word of God!

So many people think they are destined to constantly wrestle with anxiety.

I am here to tell you...that's a lie!

You can renew your mind with TRUTH.

You can also do inner healing prayer with me (Amy) and work on exposing the root cause.

There is NO reason ANY Christian should struggle with anxiety!

Amy does a remarkable job helping others!

Check out what they have to say:

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